Please pray for my sister Jessica, she is having a difficult time right now. Thank you so much. May God bless you.
2 prayers
Please pray for God to intervene for my mom, sister and I through these hardships and his healing & strength. Thank you so very much
1 prayers
Any soul ties broke
2 prayers
Please pray for my nephew Levi, please pray that Jesus Christ will be with him and protect him. Thank you so much. May God bless you and keep you.
2 prayers
Lord save my marriage!
3 prayers
Please pray for the Lord's full household salvation, complete healing, and full deliverance from all pain / fear / depression / anxiety for me, my Mom, my Sister and her Husband (and all who are with us), and for all who are God's people (and all with us), and for all whom I've prayed for / with, and even for all nations / kingdoms / governments and mankind. Also, please pray that the Lord would deliver all of the USA, Israel and Jerusalem, Canada, and Mexico from all evil attacks, and from all lies / deceptions / evil cover-ups, and from all evil rulers / leaders - and give us His truth, light, healing, peace and protection, and good honest rulers / leaders. Amen.
2 prayers
Hello, I am requesting prayer for my mom, her name is Faye, she’s dealing with severe dizziness no doctor can figure out, she has seen Many doctors and been to multiple hospitals with no answers….always feeling like she’s about to black out and on top of that she is dealing with Heart issues, also today she found out her calcium levels are very high and at a worrisome level…please pray for her complete healing from all these health issues
2 prayers
Please pray my mother is able to get some rest and a good nights sleep, she is dealing with health issues that interferes with getting enough sleep
4 prayers
Courtney Stone
As an adult my friend told me I need to get more.
The thing is I don't trust people, had things happen to me and I desire to have control of my surroundings and fear that I may not be able to escape in any situation. Especially in someone's car like previously happened.
I desire to have Godly friends around to hang out and to have future fiance/spouse (like God promised would happen) . I always to seek God and use discernment.
4 prayers
Dear Lord intervene save and restore my marriage! Only You can do this with Jesus reconciling, powerful Blood!
8 prayers

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