Pray with me for NRL to get saved, get well, and stay with God always. Thank you and God bless you.
0 prayers
Someone intentionally dented my car door today and did not apologize. I am homeless and abused by people I know and do not know every day. I have enough. May God financially recompense me today in a major way. I am a domestic violence victim and homeless, I need help and God told me not to beg. I need to get out of this country today.
1 prayers
Please pray for my 84 year old dad & my 83 year old mom they have so many health problems & that my sister Debbie stops being annoying & bossy she has a brain injury & for my husband's drug dealer friends Robert., Jon & JJ face consequences so they stop enticing my husband with drugs & for my depression & anxiety. Thank You! I WILL PRAY FOR U 2 !
1 prayers
Full deliverance spiritual violence and attacks and God puts my enemies to shanme today without delay in Jesus' name
2 prayers
May all the individuals that abused me, br abused and punished themselves. Every single trafficker and the individuals who trafficked my brain be annihilated with no gift of repentance. IMMEDIATELY. Amen
5 prayers
Please pray for me to be free from OCD. It is miserable and gets in the way of my relationships and my joy. I’m constantly ruminating on thoughts and have so much guilt for things. It controls me. Pray I can control it and the Lord heals me. 🙏🏻 pray for freedom from guilt and shame for past mistakes and doings. Pray for confidence in myself through the Lord. Pray for me to have great faith. Thank you so much.
4 prayers
Please pray for me to be free from OCD. It is miserable and gets in the way of my relationships and my joy. I’m constantly ruminating on thoughts and have so much guilt for things. It controls me. Pray I can control it and the Lord heals me. 🙏🏻 pray for freedom from guilt and shame for past mistakes and doings. Pray for confidence in myself through the Lord. Pray for me to have great faith. Thank you so much.
2 prayers
Breakthroughs in my life, situations, & restoring of our marriage with Jesus reconciling Blood!
4 prayers
Oldest daughter is rebelling against God by living a homosexual lifestyle & is being manipulated by toxic partner. Pls pray she will turn back to Jesus, salvation for the partner, & that she will mend her relationship w/ her sister. Thank you.✝️🙏🏾
4 prayers
I have had 4 surgeries on my spinal cord & column In 3 years. The last surgery they removed one of my vertebrae & the disc beneath it. My spinal column is held together with 4 rods & 8 pins. Because of the scar tissue I have developed a condition called adhesive arachnoiditis. This is where my spinal cord nerves are clumped together and stuck to my spinal column. This causes terrible pain in my back and nerve pain going down my left leg. The doctors & neurosurgeon say there is no cure or treatment for this condition & it will only continue to get worse & can leave me paralyzed. But I believe God can heal me. Please pray for an end to my suffering & that God will completely heal my back and legs. I am desperate for relief from this pain & all I have e left is prayer & asking for prayers. I am so desperate for relief from this pain, please pray for me, I really need them. Thank you.
2 prayers

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