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My 3yo grandson is having behavioral issues and my daughter is meeting with the school district to see if they are eligible for early intervention. Please pray for Gods grace and wisdom for them all. Thanks
1 prayers
I am struggling so much in my marriage and I just feel like I’m not going to ever be able to trust again. It was a very long 5 years of him cheating and lying and supposedly the past year and few months he hasn’t been, but I see so many familiar patterns, attitudes, mannerisms, and I just don’t know I have it in me to fight again. He says it’s work that he’s busy with and he is one to throw himself into work while neglecting home, but to me, it’s so hard to know the difference. I have no proof one way or the other except that God showed me a few months ago that He had been faithful, but it seems like after that, things changed and I don’t know if Satan is messing with me, or if it’s my gut intuition. Please pray for the truth to be shown good or bad, for me to have perfect peace in Him, and to be the wife God created me to be and the wife my husband needs me to be. Most importantly, please pray for him to have a true relationship with Jesus, loving Him first and foremost above me or anyone/anything else, so he can love me the right way and same for me with him. I’m sorry this is so long, but I believe with specific details it makes it easier to pray and I know we can move mountains of doubt, insecurity, infidelity, distrust, etc. thank you everyone!
4 prayers
My son has married a very narcissistic woman. They were married and had a baby within a year. While he has prayed the sinners prayer I do not believe he meant it. She is completely unsaved. They have both hurt our family terribly. I am praying God will save all three of them. I would also appreciate prayers of peace for me. My heart has been broken.
8 prayers

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