Today I'd like to pray for Anthony Olienick and Chris Carbert who are in Lethbridge Court for their wrap up of court trial. I'd like to pray for their positive outcome in this trial and that they will be found not guilty and be set free very soon. I pray for their courage, confidence in the Lord and mental health, and that their spirits be renewed. In Jesus name I pray, Amen
11 prayers
I’m at my Witt’s end with my husband and his dementia. Everything is secretive and will not tell me what he’s doing
Wants to change the will, taking money out , so many things . I have power of attorney , personal directive in the works . But not sure that’s the answer , he thinks I am the reason for this turmoil in his head and that I somehow got his drivers license taken . Don’t even care that financially a divorce would not be the best for either one of us, but I have really had enough of all the verbal abuse, mistrust,accusations. Some how something has to change . Need a clear voice from God
Thank you
11 prayers

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