Please pray for a few unspoken and pray for my daughter. She is complaining of stomach aches. Pray she not anyone in our family becomes I’ll.
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I decree my son-in-law will get his drivers license and another better car and a better job immediately and everything coming against this I rebuke and block in Jesus name amen.
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my boss is a witch, she admits she comes from witches and smiles about it, and she does oppressive prayers over me and my family and loved ones, so I come against her and her minions, and I come against EB and any and every evil oppressive spirit, and I cancel all their plans and prayers against us, and spoken over us, ever, in Jesus Name, and I send them back to them and their covens, I send them back to every shapeshifter, and I rebuke them, block them and bind them away into the outer darkness away from me and my entire family and loved ones, now and forever, I sever every contract with the enemy on behalf of me and my whole family and loved ones and I call on our defender Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus , and I pray for my boss, and all covens deliverance in Jesus mighty name , I decree my boss and her minions and every evil shapeshifter are blocked from me and my family and loved ones, now and for good, I rebuke all monitoring spirits and send them into the abyss where they’re chained and blocked from us now and for good, in Jesus Name all words spoken against us are blocked as well from us, now and for good and consistently, every single time by Holy Spirit fire, and in Jesus name I decree and I ask for the Lord to bless my family and I , and our loved ones, and our jobs and lives and travels, relationships, finances, health, etc., and to protect us in every way and to restore what the thief and the moth have stolen from us 77 times sevenfold, IMMEDIATELY BY the grace and mercy and BLOOD of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I command and decree and declare this prayer answered NOW, and I decree that every time this witch boss and her minions and every shapeshifting evil spirit even attempt to speak over me and my family, and loved ones , that the Lord sends a fiery sword to block their words and their covens words and send them back to them continuously now and forever , whether or not I remember them, or this prayer, I believe this protection over us will always happen, in Jesus Mighty Name, I ask the Lord and decree that all evil minion words are blocked and sent back , hallelujah every time, and that every attempt that the enemy has and tries to speak over me , and my family, and loved ones is continuously and consistently now and forever blocked from us all, and bound away from us all, now into the abyss where it shall never be allowed to return to any of us nor our seed, ever, hallelujah by the Blood of Jesus our Lamb, and I pray that my boss and her minions and every shapeshifting monitoring and evil spirit , including EB, are immediately removed from my department and life and my families departments and lives , or that the Lord gets us better jobs with better pay and more peace immediately away from them all, I pray for the enemies hold to be released off of me and my family and loved ones, and seed, and off of our entire lives , in every way, mentally, spiritually and physically, including our jobs right now, in Jesus mighty name we pray, amen.
if these “people” have nothing bad to say then there’s nothing gonna happen. I don’t curse people so I don’t expect to be cursed, I bless my enemies, but I surely will block send all curses back to them with the Authority and Power of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, because I don’t want curses on us, and they didn’t come from us, and they don’t belong to us, and they don’t belong to my family , nor our loved ones, so why should we keep them? nope, return to sender, hallelujah , no contracts here with the enemy, on behalf of me and my family and all of our significant others and our loved ones, and Jesus who stands in the gap for us, I decree and declare this immediate and full and constant and permanent deliverance for us all, HALLELUJAH in Jesus mighty name amen. All Glory to God now and forever!!!

Bmr families
Cs families
BW families
Ogden families
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almost 2 wks until next pay day and less than $80 left run out of things pawn applying for jobs. I am so scared and stressed every year it never gets better fully while evil gets ahead more and more why believe when bad things just keep happening. pray for good things nope just bad things keep happening. I am at my wit's end with all this. Why not me God? why can't I have full happiness and security? I've suffered enough since I was a child and no one protected me not even you instead the hits have just kept coming. Evil always rewarded while good people hurt. I give up
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Prayers for a good week and for the Lord to lead us. Peace
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Please pray for my family. My husband is an alcoholic and is drinking again, a lot.
I don’t know what to do. I’ve prayed for years and years and years and things just keep getting worse. I love him and I want him to get better, but I feel lost. I don’t know how much longer I can take the lies and the I’m not sure what to do anymore.
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Reiter and S/BW families
Dear heavenly Father,

We come before you today as a family, united in faith and love, seeking your deliverance and protection. We pray for your mercy and grace to cover us, our son-in-law, and B and C. We declare that we are children of God, and no weapon formed against us shall prosper.

Lord, we ask for your deliverance from any form of oppression and evil spirits that may be hindering our lives. We renounce and reject any ties or bondage to these negative forces and ask for your mighty hand to break them off of our family.

We pray for your healing power to touch every area of our lives that has been affected by the enemy's schemes. May your peace and joy fill our hearts and minds, and may your wisdom and discernment guide us in every decision we make.

We release forgiveness towards anyone who may have caused harm or pain in our lives and ask for your love to overflow in our relationships.

Thank you, Lord, for your everlasting love and faithfulness towards us. We trust in your promises that you have plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future.

In Jesus' name, we pray for complete deliverance, protection, Amen.
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Please pray for a few unspoken
2 prayers
I retired from teaching in 2018 after 30 years in the profession to take care of my elderly father. Dad died this past March. I am praying for God's guidance and direction as I continue forward. I know God has a plan and a future for me, and He knows my needs. I am doing ok financially, but looking for the right part-time job to fill some of my time. I also want to continue with my volunteer work. God's got this--I know!
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A grateful moment and continued prayers for my family.
Grateful for so much, good job, good family, healing
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