God instructed me to leave my previous job at __ and come to __. Some persons have been letting Satan use them to try to make me leave, but God says to stay. A previous manager had to take early retirement, instead of moving me, because God said that this is my assignment as a soldier in His army. Please pray for salvation for the current manager, who started out well then started being like the predecessor, and for all colleagues, customers, amd stakeholders. Thanks.
0 prayers
Someone *again* put unknown brown powder on my desk. We have secret gift exchange, with "cheering" one another until the final day of gift exchange. Last week with a snack and again today with a little juice packet, the powder accompanied what should "cheer" me. The juice will have to join that snack in the garbage. Please pray pray pray, against poisoning and against worship of fallen angels, in Jesus' name. Thanks.
"The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them. "
0 prayers
Please Pray for "A.L." . She is a practicing Pagan . Asking the Holy Spirit to raise up a converted Pagan that has come to know the love and forgiving power of Jesus Christ . In the Name of The Father , The Son , And The Holy Spirit . St. Benedict , the patron saint against witchcraft , Pray For Us . AMEN
1 prayers
Abusive relationship please pray for me
3 prayers
Someone put some brownish powder on my desk and on the package of some snack that I was too eat. I cleaned it up and returned to find more. I cleaned it up and threw the snack away. My nose and throat are acting up. Please pray. Thanks.
2 prayers
Please pray God gives Derek income for the first time in a long time. Pray he finds work with Health Insurance, and is called for an odd job in the drawing today.
2 prayers
"Before they call, I will answer, and while they are yet speaking. I will hear."
2 prayers
Please pray for me. I need urgent emergency prayers 😭.
4 prayers
My daughter needs desperate prayers. May the people in authority she speaks to today be understanding, reasonable, merciful and kind. Let this situation be resolved quickly and without further stress. It is making her physically ill. Dear Lord, give her reassurance and let this all work out in her favor.
4 prayers
Please pray for health, miracles with work/ ministry, with transportation and with relationships, continued protection amidst continued attacks, and guidance in everything, in Jesus' Name. Thanks.
1 prayers

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