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Please pray for D to gain the victory, once and for all, over pornfornication, and all sins, in Jesus' Name. "And they overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony."
0 prayers
Work Situation - Ethical/Legal Issues
Please pray the Lord will lead, guide, direct, and protect regarding my work situation. Please pray His Spirit will grant me discernment and courage regarding significant ethical/legal Issues. Thank you so much!
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Please, pray for God to show me what He wants from me. I need a job and a house.
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Please, pray my daughter will surrender to Jesus Christ and be delivered.
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Please pray that God will show me what kind of job he wants me to do as soon as possible. Pray God give Mark wisdom, guidance, and bring clients soon. I pray God will show us what we need to change. I'd like to buy a house in the country if this is His will.
0 prayers
My mom is in the hospital. She had a seizure and they gave her a lot of medicine. Every time the doctor checks for response, it is right after they give her the medicine so it seems like she is unresponsive. Please pray that she becomes responsive. They are talking about comfort care because she is not waking up. Please help me hope family. She opens her eyes when the medicine wears off but they don't see it because they check her in the morning. God help us!!
1 prayers
Praying for better career prospects and for the Lord's anointing and protection over my family and myself.
1 prayers
Jacob needs a miracle. He can have a bm. So he can get his Hi rube out and start eating. His stomach is messed up. Thank you
1 prayers
To get our family's truck back rightfully fixed by next Thursday Lord's willing.
2 prayers
Lord Jesus, the King of Kings. You died for the remission of our sins I thank you and bless you for that selfless act of love. I ask in Jesus' name please send your Holy spirit to touch the heart of Maddison. She has drug and alcohol addictions and her boyfriend who is a believer is praying and I am praying, Lord please intervene for her. We are praying that you will fight for the soul of this young women that she will be saved and set free and may you get all the glory for it. In Jesus name, amen.
2 prayers

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