"Carry each others burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Gal. 6
Please pray for my marriage. Please pray for me to turn it over to the Lord. I am such a controlling person. I try to take care of everything to the point my husband resents it. Lord, please give me strength to let go and let You. Lord, I have lifted him up to You. I've asked You to correct what is wrong with me. I plead with You for guidance and peace.
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My family and I need some prayers please. I have never been behind on rent or been struggling like we are now. I am 2 months behind on rent and have no clue what to do. It started because we have had to get my husbands truck fixed then kids were out for the summer and so my income pretty much only covered the food and I’m lost. I never lose faith in the Lord and I won’t now but I could really use your prayers right now. $2,000 is impossible for me to come up with but I know God is with us and I believe in prayer and faith. Please pray with me! Thank you! God bless you all! Have a blessed day!
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Please pray for the state of Iowa, for the people, property, animals and crops, in the line of storms brewing to not be full force expected. The chances are favorable for another Derasho (hurricane over land). They are just getting back in order from the last one in 2021.
1 prayers
I had asked you all to pray for my best friend, Lee, who had a heart transplant on 5/27. She passed away peacefully on 7/2 just before midnight. My heart is broken. I know she is safe in the arms of Jesus, and I will see her again one day, but it is hard to think about not having her in my life for the rest of my earthly life. Please pray for peace, comfort and understanding not only for me, but for her husband, children, grandchildren, sister and other friends who are mourning this huge loss. Thank you.
2 prayers
I’m just getting out of a 3+ year relationship with the man I thought I was going to marry. My heart is so broken, not only for myself but for my daughter as well. Her father passed away and I thought this was going to be her chance to be part of a family. Nothing was done to cause this breakup, it was just hard circumstances we kept facing. I’m not sure if this was God’s plan, but I truly believe we were brought together by Him. I just need all of the prayers to help me get through this season and to trust God’s plan. Thank you!
4 prayers

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