The KSWP & KAVX Amen Prayer App "Share Hope in Christ, Connect you to a Real & Loving God, Serve others by being real."
Isaac Abraham
Stand in agreement with me about my relationship with Doris , Pray That God gather me and her together and remove all the challenges and obstacles , Pray that God open the communications between us again and remove any misunderstanding and strenghthen our relationship , Pray also for my communication with her mom to be resumed again , i am waiting the Lord from all my heart , i need a miracle from the Lord in this area , God can do anything , in the mighty name of Jesus , Amen , Isaac
7 prayers
My hearts desire is to obey the Lord. I left my job and enrolled in school at the leading of the Holy Spirit. Please pray for provision and protection for me, and that God's will be done, and He get the glory. Amen.
13 prayers
Please pray for my loved ones' salvation and healing from addiction, anger, resentment, fear, and anxiety.
6 prayers
I ask for prayer for the restoration of the covenant marriage God has give to Sarah and I, that we will become the people God needs for us to be, and that it will be soon. I have a much larger, more detailed version of this request, and this is very general, but I know God knows what WE need, together, and will provide it on the strength of the prayers of those who belong to Him. Amen.
2 prayers
Please can you pray unspoken. Thank you
10 prayers
Please pray for my granddaughter, Macelynn.
6 prayers
Isaac Abraham
Stand in agreement with me about my relationship with Doris , Pray That God gather me and her together and remove all the challenges and obstacles , Pray that God open the communications between us again and remove any misunderstanding and strenghthen our relationship , Pray also for my communication with her mom to be resumed again , i am waiting the Lord from all my heart , i need a miracle from the Lord in this area , God can do anything , in the mighty name of Jesus , Amen , Isaac
5 prayers
Please pray for me for God to heal my leg, I could be at risk of losing it and I have to go see a heart doctor.
17 prayers
Lord I come to you will open arms. For you to break away this bondage of laziness I've been having. I need to anoint my house and clean it. Lord I come to you with all faith that you will heal my daughter's heart show her that you are the way show her that she is loved , Lord just give her peace. Lord be with my husband show him that depression is Satan. Fill his mine and soul with your spirit. show him to lean on you. Thank you Lord for everything that you do for me thank you for continues helping me be strong without you I'm nothing.
9 prayers
Please continue to pray for my elderly mom Nancy.
She was in the hospital last week with lung and heart issues. She is at home now and doing really well.
They had to reduce her pain meds for her severe scoliosis and she is in alot of pain. Please pray that the pain will ease up and we can find another way to help her with her pain management. Thank you so much for all of the prayers. God is faithful!
13 prayers

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God Answers Prayers - God invites us to praise Him in the storms of life! As you wait for “God to Answer” your prayers, learn to expect and anticipate His response.
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